Monday, February 22, 2016

Ta Prohm Temple

Ta Prohm is one of the most impressive temples in Cambodia's Angkor region, presenting the visitor with an intriguing and mystical  picture. Ta Prohm temple built by King Jayavarman VII during the year 1186 A.D. Surrounded by lush jungle, the complex is seized by towering trees that break through the base stone and devour the half-collapsed structures, their thick roots zigzagging through the floor and clambering up the walls.
In 1992, UNESCO awarded the temple World Heritage status. However, Ta Prohm's popularity really spiked in 2001, when the movie "Tom Raider; partially shot at Ta Prohm, showed famous actress Angelina Jolie walking between the temple's iconic tree roots. Ta Prohm is one of the few temples in the Angkor region that has been left much in the same condition that it was found. When the efforts to conserve and restore the temple of Angkor began the early 21st century, Ta Prohm was hand-picked to be left untouched due to its picturesque appearance. In its heyday, it was a vibrant city, home to more than 12,500 people, including high priests and dancers.

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